Upcoming events

Please login to request a meet and greet
stdClass Object
    [id] => 183
    [main_category_id] => 1
    [location_id] => 169
    [title] => Tupelo, MS
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Thu, Feb 13
Tupelo, MS
Cadence Bank Arena
stdClass Object
    [id] => 184
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    [url] => /tour/184-st-louis-mo-4.html
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Fri, Feb 14
St Louis, MO
Chaifetz Arena
stdClass Object
    [id] => 185
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Sat, Feb 15
Louisville, KY
KFC Yum! Center
stdClass Object
    [id] => 186
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    [waiting_list] => 
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Thu, Feb 20
Wichita, KS
Park City Arena
stdClass Object
    [id] => 187
    [main_category_id] => 1
    [location_id] => 173
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Fri, Feb 21
Lincoln, NE
Pinnacle Bank Arena
stdClass Object
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Sat, Feb 22
Cedar Rapids, IA
Alliant Energy PowerHouse
stdClass Object
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Tue, Apr 22
Portsmouth, VA
Atlantic Union Bank Pavilion
stdClass Object
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Fri, Apr 25
Charleston, SC
Credit One Stadium
stdClass Object
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Sat, Apr 26
Gainesville, FL
Stephen C O'Connel Center
stdClass Object
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Thu, Jun 26
Richmond, VA
Allianz Amphitheater at Riverfront
stdClass Object
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Fri, Jun 27
Wilmington, NC
Live Oak Bank Pavilion at Riverfront Park
stdClass Object
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    [url] => /tour/208-macon-ga.html
    [waiting_list] => 
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Sat, Jun 28
Macon, GA
Atrium Health Amphitheater
stdClass Object
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Thu, Jul 17
Franklin, TN
FirstBank Amphitheater
stdClass Object
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Sat, Jul 19
Dallas, TX
Dos Equis Pavilion
stdClass Object
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Thu, Jul 24
Bossier City, LA
Brookshire Grocery Arena